
Elevate your Body, Mind, and Spirit!

Our products are designed to help you unlock the power of numbers and live your best life.

Grabovoi Abundance Activator Cards

This unique card is engraved with Grabovoi’s abundance codes and includes a set of numbers which Grabovoi called the Millionaire code. This combo of numbers unlock prosperity on many levels.

Made strategically out of stainless steel, maximum durability is ensured, and Dr. Grabovoi has said that Silver color is the highest activator of the numbers.

This card is exactly sized as a regular credit card to fit perfectly in your wallet, a place that energetically holds your abundance.

The formula of use that we suggest for maximum potency is:

  • Place one in your wallet
  • Place one in your home/business, in the North-East corner
  • Gift one to someone to unlock more abundance. What goes around, comes around.

Activate your life’s abundance through this higher age technology!

Space Activator with Grabovoi and Sacred Geometry

The Space Activators are designed to create a vibratory change in any space, aligning it with frequencies of protection, wellbeing, harmony in relationships and abundance.

Place it in the entrance of your home, business, office, or any environment where you would like to elevate the energy.

Made of stainless steel, Space Activators contain 17 Grabovoi Numbers, given by Dr. Grigori Grabovoi, and Sacred Geometry Principles, which help clear, harmonize and elevate the molecules of the spaces they come in contact with.

Enhance the energy of your spaces and elevate your daily life through this spiritual technology.


Grabovoi numbers are sequences that change the vibration and rhythm at an atomic level and are said to have healing and transformative properties in objects and people. Developed by Dr. Grigori Grabovoi (Scientist / Kazakhstan, 1963), these change in vibration have been proven in various ways in laboratories around the world and is considered a science by many, since the results are consistent.

We design products inspired by Grabovoi numbers. Our products are designed to help you connect with your own inner wisdom and potential


Have any questions? We are always open to discussing your requirements, new products, opportunities, and how we can help you.

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